We will meet February 6th at 1 pm for a business meeting followed by meal prep for JCHS at 2 pm. Ladies, we hope you will take one of the revised pamphlets for the group and think about events in which you can participate (these are in the narthex on the credenza). We especially need volunteers for the first Sunday each month to help with “Coffee & Donuts” after the morning masses. Please contact Kim Binzer or Kathy Montgomery if you are willing to help one or two months per year. Mark your calendars for 1:00 pm the 1st Thursday each month for our monthly business meeting!
If you are a parishioner experiencing being homebound, disabled, sickness, pregnancy, or hospitalization, and would like to have a home-cooked meal(s) for you and or your family, please call the church office and Debbie will share your request the “Meal Ministry” and a member will contact you.
Coffee & Donuts
Reminder: Coffee and Donuts every first Sunday of the month after the morning Masses.