In the year 1597, a thief stole some consecrated Hosts along with some precious objects from a church not far from Alcala, Spain. A few days later, the thief returned, full of profound remorse, and confessed his sins at the Jesuit church. The priest who heard his confession had him return the Hosts; however, for the sake of prudence, the priest decided to keep the Hosts in an urn without consuming Them. Eleven years later, the 24 Hosts were still perfectly intact. The Provincial, ordered that the Hosts be placed in an underground cellar along with some unconsecrated hosts. A few months later, the unconsecrated hosts had decomposed from the humidity, while the consecrated Hosts had remained intact. After careful medical and theological investigation, the fact was declared miraculous. Keep the love of the Eucharist in your heart, for He is truly present in the Eucharist. He is always with us. Come, adore Him in Adoration and at the Holy Mass.