On May 23, 1447, the Blessed Sacrament was stolen from the parish church in Ettiswil, Switzerland. Anna Vogrli, a member of a satanic sect, was able to steal a pyx containing a large Host from the parish church. The Host was found near a fence among some nettle bushes, hovering in the air and surrounded by a bright light, and was divided into seven pieces which were joined together so that they looked like a flower. The local parish priest came to pick up the Host and return It to the church. He picked up the six sections, but when he tried to pick up the main central section, It disappeared into the ground before the eyes of all. A chapel was built on this site and consecrated on December 28, 1448, a year and a half after the events. The Host is venerated by people from Ettiswil and from other countries. God performed many miracles there. The greatest miracle occurs at every Mass when ordinary bread and wine are changed into the Body and Blood of Christ. Come, celebrate this miracle at the Holy Mass. Come, venerate Jesus in Adoration.