In 1374 in Middlebrug-Louvain Belgium, a noble woman known by all for her great faith and devotion was preparing for Easter. All in the household began to do penance in preparation for Holy Week. A manservant had not gone to confession in many years despite the dissolute life he was living. All were invited to go to Mass, and the manservant did not dare to oppose the invitation. He attended the whole Eucharistic celebration, and when it was time to receive Holy Communion, he approached the altar with much superficiality. As soon as he received the Host on the tongue, It changed into bleeding flesh. He took the Host from his mouth. The priest realized at once what was happening and carefully placed the miraculous Host in a vessel inside the tabernacle. The manservant repented and confessed his sin before everyone. After that, he led an exemplary life and demonstrated great devotion to the Most Blessed Sacrament. May we come before Jesus with clean hearts and develop a true devotion to the Eucharist. Come to Mass and Adoration and experience the power of the Eucharist in your life.