In 1411, a thief succeeded in stealing a consecrated Host from the parish church in Weiten. He mounted his horse, intending to make for the nearby village. When he arrived at a certain spot (which today is marked by a chapel in honor of the miracle), his horse halted and would not go any further. There was no way to make the horse move; it stood still as a statue. Then, without warning, the horse leaped to a gallop, and the Host dropped to the ground without anyone's noticing. A few days later, Mrs. Scheck passed by the spot and saw the Host near a hedge, encircled by a bright light. In great wonder, she picked up the Holy Eucharist and noticed that the consecrated Host was broken into two parts joined together by threads of bleeding Flesh. Greatly moved, in thanksgiving, she built a small chapel on the spot at her own expense. As news of the miracle spread, many pilgrims came to the place. Later, it became necessary to build a larger church to contain the great crowds that came on pilgrimage each year to honor the precious relic. May we know the beauty and privilege it is to be Catholic and to be able to receive Him everyday in the Eucharist. May we never take Him for granted or not believe that He is truly present in the Eucharist.