In 1251 some wood carvings were sculpted in the monastery church of San Juan de las Abadesas, Spain, depicting the deposition of Jesus from the Cross, with the figures of Jesus and His Mother Mary, Joseph of Arimathea, Nicodemus, St. John the beloved disciple, and the two thieves. These beautiful statues, saved from destruction during the 1936 Spanish Civil War, are so expressive that they deeply move many people. Jesus' head is especially beautiful. When the crucifix was carved, the artist made a depression in Jesus' forehead, approximately two and a half inches in diameter, with the idea of preserving the Eucharist in it. In 1251 someone put a consecrated Host there, but over time this was forgotten. Only in 1426, while the statues were being restored, was the cavity in the forehead of the crucifix discovered, sealed by a small silver plaque. Inside, wrapped in a white linen cloth, the Host consecrated in 1251 was found totally incorrupt. Since then, that Host, known as "The Most Holy Mystery of San Juan de las Abadesas," has been adored and visited by numerous pilgrims. His love for us in always present in the Eucharist. Come, adore Him at Mass and Adoration. May His heart touch your heart with love.