EUCHARISTIC MIRACLE OF THE WEEK – On May 8, 1902, Ascension Day, the Mt. Pelee volcano began spewing lava and ashes. The inhabitants of Morne-Rouge, Martinique, who had a strong devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, immediately hurried to their parish church to ask Our Lady of Deliverance to spare their village from catastrophe. Many sought reconciliation, and began to confess their sins. Fr. Mary, gave general absolution to all the faithful, distributed Holy Communion, and the exposed the Blessed Sacrament for public adoration. At a certain point, a woman cried out, "The Sacred Heart of Jesus is in the Host!" A large number of people witnessed the apparition of Jesus in the Host, showing His Sacred Heart crowned with thorns. Some declared that they also saw the Precious Blood of Jesus dripping from His Sacred Heart. The vision lasted several hours and ended only after the reposition of the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle. On May 8th, the village was spared. Through the sacrament of reconciliation, the people had a chance to reconcile with God, receive the sacraments, and be in a state of grace to meet Our Lord. May this week draw you to the sacrament of reconciliation so you may be cleansed of all sin and be worthy to receive Our Lord in Communion