In 1231, in Caravaca De La Cruz, Spain, Fr. Gines Perez traveled among the Moors in the Kingdom of Murcia with the purpose of preaching the Gospel. He was immediately taken prisoner, however, and brought into the presence of the Moorish King, who asked him about certain aspects of the Christian faith. The king particularly wanted to deepen his understanding of the Mass. The priest went into detail explaining the importance of the Mass, and the king, fascinated by the preaching of the priest, ordered him to celebrate a Mass on the spot. Since the priest did not have what was necessary for the celebration, the king ordered some of his men to get them from the nearby country of Cuenca, in Christian territory. But the cross which must be present on the altar during a Mass was forgotten. The priest began to celebrate the Mass but, at a certain point, realized that there was no cross. He became troubled and stopped. The king asked him why he was so disturbed, and the priest told him that he needed a cross. The king however, immediately responded, "Wouldn't that be it?" In fact, at that moment two angels were placing a cross upon the altar. The priest was deeply moved and gave thanks to the Lord. He then continued the celebration with joy. The miracle continued. At the Consecration, in place of the Host the Muslim king saw a beautiful Baby Who gazed on him endearingly. After having witnessed this miraculous event, the king and his family converted to Christianity and were baptized. The Holy Cross is kept in the shrine. It is one of the five cities granted by the Holy See to celebrate the Perpetual Jubilee. Each Holy Mass the miracle of ordinary bread and wine becoming the Body and Blood of Christ occurs. Let Him transform your heart and mind. Adore Him in the Eucharist at Mass and at Adoration. Come, let Him enter your life.