On this feast, the Church celebrates the manifestation (epiphany) of Christ to the Nations (Gentiles) in the persons of the Magi—also known as the Wise Men or the Three Kings. In earlier times, this feast combined two other manifestations, that which took place at the Lord’s Baptism, and that which took place in Cana at the Wedding feast. This is still the custom in Eastern Christianity.
Although the date of the Epiphany on the General Calendar of the Church is January 6th, in the United States and some other countries it is celebrated on the Sunday after January 1st so more Catholics can participate. Thus, in 2024 the Solemnity of the Epiphany is Sunday, January 7. (Source: EWTN)
Sunday, JAN 7, 2024
Blessing of the Magi Water & Chalk
Please remember to bring your empty holy water bottles.