Vocations Discernment Discussion Group It’s good to have a plumber in the family, for advice about major concerns as well as day to day maintenance concerns. It might save you from the damage of a do-it-yourself job. Or even better, having a doctor in the family may help the family to be healthy and to be able to have illnesses resolved in a timely manner.
But best of all, how about a priest in the family! What could be better than a timely prayer or blessing or even a Sacrament! What a blessing to have a priest to say Mass at the family reunion or to preside over the marriages of siblings and cousins and then baptize their babies, and to then repeat the same ceremonies for subsequent generations. And so much more!
Tuesday, January 10, at 6 pm in the Parish Life Center Library at Christ the King. What a gift it would be to have a priest in the family! That gift can start right now by supporting and praying for a young man to consider the priesthood. To join ongoing discernment discussion group through the Hands of Mary Ministry, or to learn how to assist young people to discern their vocation, call or text Rob Abney at (270) 315-7276.