The Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision on abortion on January 22, 1973, bypassed the Legislative Branch of Government and by raw judicial power legalized the murder of preborn babies in the womb, the physical and psychological scarring of mothers and fathers, and the rejection of Divine Law which says, “THOU SHALL NOT KILL.” This was and is simply a wrong decision which we are morally obliged to change. Our yearly ad is one way of educating ourselves and the public about this “unspeakable crime” of legalized murder.
Join us by placing the names of EVERY individual person in your home in our ad. Invite friends, neighbors, and other churches as well. The cost is $5.00 a person but not more than $20.00 for the whole family to have each individual mentioned by name. Your donation will help with the cost of the ad.
Thank you for your support of our project and the pro-life cause. Call Peggy Sheiko at (859) 333-4857, or the Church Office at (859) 885-4892, with any questions. Thanks to Carolyn Rynkowski, who has been chairperson for this project for 14 years!
Deadline: The weekend of January 15-16, 2022
Please place your
completed form (located on page 5 of the JAN 9 Bulletin) and donation in an envelope and place it in the collection basket or bring it to the Parish Office.