During her stay at Proceno, the Dominican St. Agnes Segni would go into the monastery garden alone to pray near an olive tree. One Sunday morning at the break of dawn she was immersed in prayer, and only several hours later did she realize that it was a feast day and that she was obliged to attend Mass in the monastery choir. However, an angel of the Lord came bearing an immaculate Host, giving her Holy Communion. This incident was repeated on other occasions. Each feast day is an obligation and an opportunity to receive Our Lord in Holy Communion. Let us not dismiss our obligation and sin by missing a Holy Feast Day. The grace of Our Lord flows through the Eucharist into our souls enriching us and strengthening us for the days ahead. May we seize every opportunity to be with Our Lord. Come, worship Him and adore Him at the Holy Mass and in Adoration. He is there to embrace you with His love.