St. Stanislaus Kostka was born in 1550 in Rostkow, Poland. He and his brother studied with the Jesuits in Vienna. Stanislaus maintained exemplary religious behavior in spite of pressure from his brother, tutor, and host family, who all criticized him. Stanislaus accepted it all with patience and submission, even praying for them during the night. At the age of seventeen, Stanislaus became gravely ill. One night he awakened his tutor, who was keeping watch beside him, exclaiming: "Here is St. Barbara! Here she is, with two angels! She's bringing me the Blessed Sacrament!" And so it was; the angels inclined towards him and gave him Holy Communion. The young man, serene; lay back on his bed. A few days later; Stanislaus awoke perfectly healed, declaring that he wanted to go personally to thank the Lord and expressing his desire to become a religious. Rejected at first due to his age, he was later accepted into the order and studied at the Jesuit College in Rome. Let us not discourage religious vocations in the young. Let the call of the Lord rest joyfully in their hearts and brought to fulfillment. Pray for all those discerning the call that they may have support, encouragement, and courage to accept the Holy Will of God. Let them rejoice in this beautiful gift from God. May you find it the greatest joy of your life to be with Him at Mass and Adoration.