SAVE THE DATE! Sunday, November 3, 2024 @ 3 PM Visitation Sunday Mass with the Most Reverend John Stowe, OFM Conv, Bishop of Lexington presiding at Calvary Cemetery, 874 West Main Street, Lexington, KY. All are invited to attend this annual Mass that will also conclude Calvary’s 150th Anniversary celebration. (Please dress weather-aware.)
PLENARY INDULGENCE: November 1 – 8. One of the Spiritual Works of Mercy is to pray for the living and the dead and one of the Corporal Works of Mercy is to bury the dead. All of this culminates in the fact that, as Catholics, we have a special encouragement in November to pray for All Souls. If one participates in Sacramental Confession, Communion, Prays for the Intentions of the Holy Father (all to be carried out within days of each other or at the same time), and visits a cemetery (Calvary’s gates open at 8 AM and close at 5 PM) and fervently prays for the deceased (on other days of the year, the Indulgence is Partial).
CORPORAL/SPIRITUAL WORK OF MERCY: Prayer Service & Burial of Miscarried Babies 0-12 weeks gestation from St. Joseph Hospital on November 6, 2024, at 1 PM at the Via Dolorosa Mausoleum. (Please dress weather-aware.)
SPIRITUAL WORK OF MERCY: Come pray “The Way of the Cross for the Holy Souls in Purgatory” at 3 PM on Friday(s) November 8, 15 and 22. The Stations of the Cross are displayed in the cupola of the Via Dolorosa Mausoleum and prayer booklets are provided for use during the prayer gatherings. (Please dress weather-aware.)
ST. GERTRUDE THE GREAT…pray for us! November 16th is the Feast Day of St. Gertrude the Great, champion of the Souls in Purgatory. The prayer of St. Gertrude: “Eternal Father, I offer thee the most precious blood of thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the Masses said throughout the world today, for all the Holy Souls in Purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal church, those in my own home and within my family. Amen.”
CHRISTMAS WREATHS: Wreaths, artificial flowers, or other semi-permanent décor are permitted from November 1st to March 1st . Calvary is again partnering with the LCHS Band’s Annual Fundraiser! Contact Calvary at 859-252-5415 to order your Christmas Wreaths and we will set them at your loved ones’ graves on or about December 7th . Orders will be accepted between now until November 10th .